Take Notice – The Tribunal will continue public sittings on Friday 22nd June 2018 at 10 am in George’s Hall, Dublin Castle, Dublin 2 in regard to its investigations into the remaining terms of reference and related matters. The schedule of witnesses is as follows:-

Friday 22nd June 2018 – The tribunal will hear evidence commencing at 09.00 and will sit until 12.45.

Robert Cox

Fergus O’Shea

Tom Brady

Friday 22nd June 2018 and Saturday 23rd June 2018 (10.00)

Submissions – on journalistic privilege will commence directly after the completion of evidence. The Sole member in exercising his powers of case management as a High Court judge, has directed that no oral submission is to exceed 30 minutes. No written submissions are sought, but a short speaking note, not exceeding 5,000 words, that may be used or handed in on the day.

Monday 25th June – 29th June 2018

Depending on any ruling, any remaining witnesses may be taken from Monday 25th , Wednesday 27th , Thursday 28th  and Friday 29th June 2018 commencing from 10.00 to 16.00 hours. If a referral to the High Court is made, the tribunal will adjourn appropriately with no known recommencement date. If a referral is not made, final submissions will be taken during this week in accordance with the time sought by parties, with flexibility allowed as reasonable. Submissions if desired are to the tribunal and can be a speaking note used or handed in on the day, as in the taking of submissions previously.